PRIVATE, free and easy to use
Join the CabinPals platform and invite your friends who have a summerhome, so they can easily provide you booking access!
CabinPals is completely FREE to use for both property hosts and guests.
CabinPals is a service for sharing rather than renting your property. We make it easier to maintain a single overview of who has access to see and book your property, and when it is in use.
Use CabinPals if you are interested in making your property more available and visible to a close, trusted group of friends/family that you are 100% in control of.
In the app, you can choose the exchange (if any) for sharing your property. You can, for example, request for utilities costs to be covered, to get help with chores like mowing the lawn, or for guests to pay for cleaning of the property. Agree on terms for the exchange when confirming the booking in the app, but for now, any direct payments between host & guest will need to happen outside of the app.
We've designed the app for use with second home properties; whether it is a cabin, cottage, summerhome, beach home, chalet... BUT we're not holding you back from getting creative! For example, use CabinPals to share your home/apartment when you're out of town, or your sailboat when you're not using it.
Summerhome sharing (only) with the people you trust
Asger Rygs Gade 16, 2., Copenhagen 1727